In Church Benefits Board’s Benefits Book, you will discover a multitude of tools and services designed with clergy in mind.

The Benefits Book

As you review Church Benefits Board’s Benefits Book, you will discover a multitude of tools and services designed with you in mind. We especially encourage you to explore these three items:

Active participants of the Church Benefits Board 403(b)(9) retirement plan can meet with one of Empower’s CFP® professionals to build a comprehensive financial plan, free-of-charge. Our goal is to encourage all of our participants to improve their financial well-being by building a financial plan. To learn more about completing your financial plan and the incentive we offer visit

Church Benefits Board also offers every participant the opportunity to visit with qualified financial advisors who are licensed with FINRA and state securities commissions. You can learn more about innovative financial wellness tools, debt solutions, and the opportunity to roll in other 403(b), 401(k), and investments to simplify your finances. Learn more at

Finally, Church Benefits Board offers ministers the opportunity to receive financial relief grants, participate in financial education experiences, access financial planning services, and utilize financial wellness packages through the new Financial Wellness Initiative. Learn more at