Submitting contributions using the Guided Payroll Process through Empower

The Guided Payroll Process (GPP) provides our administrators more flexibility to manage employee Empower accounts including the ability to update employee addresses, phone numbers, salary, etc. on a timely basis. In addition, it allows administrators to send contributions directly to employee accounts at Empower, meeting important compliance guidelines. The menu below provides helpful resources for our employers and churches as they use the Guided Payroll Process.

Empower support for current employers: 800.695.4952

Guided Payroll Process (GPP) Resources

Submitting Contributions

ABC’s of GPP

How to Submit Contributions Using GPP


How to Add a New Employee

How to Update Employee Compensation

How to Add a Termination Date for Employee

View/Update Banking Information

Need Support?

Contact the CBB team with any questions regarding how to submit contributions or accessing the Empower Plan Service Center.