Welcome, Participants!
Church Benefits Board is honored to serve you with retirement benefits. Below you will find a list detailing important next steps to access your retirement account and additional participant resources available to you.
Your benefits are our ministry. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact our team.
New participant next steps:

Log in to your retirement account
Church Benefits Board (CBB) partners with Empower to manage participant retirement accounts. Upon registering your online account, there will be 3 primary steps to customize your enrollment when you access your account for the first time.
1. Confirm Asset Allocations:
When your account is created, the funds are allocated to a Default Vanguard Target Date Fund. Regulations require you to review and confirm/select your fund allocations upon your enrollment. There are two options:
- Option 1: Select the “Choose a Target Date Fund” button and use this PDF to determine which default allocation you should choose based on your birthyear. You can always change this allocation later in your account or with the guidance of an Empower Financial Representative.
- Option 2: Change your allocations based on your financial knowledge or advice from a financial advisor.
2. Option to Elect Electronic Statement Delivery:
Empower will confirm your email address and you have the choice to elect to receive statements and communications from Empower electronically.
3. Designate Your Beneficiary:
The final step is to designate your beneficiary to have it on file with Empower.
Download the Empower App

Consolidate your accounts
Participants can simplify their retirement planning by consolidating other accounts into their CBB retirement savings plan. Let Empower explain the benefits, answer your questions, and help you through the process. Submit a rollover support ticket to get started.

Build your financial plan, for free
CBB offers all participants the opportunity to build a comprehensive financial plan with a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ at Empower, free-of-charge. All participants can receive up to $500* per participant towards their CBB retirement account when they develop and complete a financial plan with Empower. *While funds last.
Our goal is to encourage all of our participants to improve their financial well-being by building a financial plan.

Summary Plan Description
A Summary Plan Description (SPD) outlines general information about the Church Benefits Board 403(b)(9) Retirement Plan and the rights and obligations of the Plan and the employer. Keep this document for your records and reference when you have questions about your 403(b)(9) account with Church Benefits Board.

Resource Page
Visit our Resource page for free guides including our Housing Allowance Guide, Minister’s Compensation Guide, and tax guides.
The Church Benefits Board Team
The CBB team is committed to excellent customer service.
Office hours are Monday – Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. EST.
CBB office number: 770.220.1672
For participant questions, call Empower at 866.467.7756 or schedule an appointment online. Participants can access their accounts online 24/7.


Vice President of Operations

Director of Benefits

Director of Financial Wellness

Director of Marketing & Communications